Friday, November 12, 2010

mom called.

i was sleeping. having my productive sleep. snoozing like a baby as mom called. at first ive missed the call and few moments later, she gave me another call and i picked up. asking me about how is  my day going on these two,three days and i said it was okay. and am doing just fine bla bla bla etc. and she asked me about my homecoming. so i said yes. am taking my break and gonna be home until RAYA. heee. so cant wait to be home. she was like, "so, ill wait you at the airport then, okay" and i was like... whuttt..? no mom. am not flying back this time. am going back by train. so just ask baba to pick me up at pasir mas on the next day at around 0903hrs. the train will be leaving at 2030hrs tomorrow night so.. she thought id fly? gawsh. i tot ive told her before. i guess she forgot abt that already. so yes peeps. am going back tomorrow and manap will send me over to KL Sentral tomorrow. and in the morning id plan to see salsya before i went back. shes still hanging on with her exam mood. i think todays her last paper kot. not so sure. but am so going to see her coz i missed her a lot thou last weekend ive spend my week there. gawsh. am gonna be home. i told mom right before she hung up that i wanna shop for more tudung and she said okay. missed home and the family so much. :'D

more to come hihi
you know how to get me
and as i tweet most of the time, so...

*hwugs and kishes*

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