Saturday, December 31, 2011

Tahun Baru 2012

     Kalau mengikut perkiraan mudah dalam masa lebih kurang 8 tahun lagi Malaysia akan mencapai status negara maju iaitu tahun 2020, dalam masa yang sama tinggal beberapa jam lagi seluruh dunia akan menyambut tahun 2012 tidak terkecuali Malaysia dan seperti kelaziman sebelum kedatangan tahun baru 2012 kita akan mengimbas kembali apa yang berlaku sepanjang tahun 2011. Sepanjang 365 hari kita berada di tahun 2011 bermacam-macam peristiwa menarik berlaku dan tidak kurang juga peristiwa melucukan. Tahun 2011 kita dapat menyaksikan kebangkitan pemuda-pemuda seluruh Arab mengadakan demonstrasi atau Arab Spring menentang kerajaan yang dikatakan tidak adil. Kesan dari itu kita dapat lihat banyak negara Arab masih bergolak hingga kini dan pastinya apa yang lebih besar ialah kemampuan rakyat Libya menentang dan menyebabkan kematian Presiden mereka Muammar Gaddafi selepas 4 dekad berkuasa. Jika di negara Arab dan Afrika rakyat berdemo kerana menentang pemimpin yang korup di negara maju pula seperti di US dan Eropah rakyat berdemo kerana menetang kapitalis yang menguasai ekonomi dunia menyebabkan kos hidup rakyat marhaen meningkat di samping ramai yang menjadi penganggur kesan kegawatan ekonomi. Selain itu pada tahun 2011 kita dikejutkan dengan berita pembunuhan beramai-ramai di Norway oleh pelampau agama Kristian yang mana sebelum ini banyak pihak menuding jari kepada pengganas Muslim yang bertanggungjawab melakukan pembunuhan tersebut.
Tahun 2011 memberikan impak besar kepada Asia, keupayaan China muncul sebagai kuasa ekonomi dunia mengatasi Jepun dan hanya sedikit jurang dengan US adalah satu berita menggembirakan. Dalam kegembiraan itu Asia dikejutkan pula dengan kejadian gempa bumi di Jepun yang mengorbankan beribu-ribu nyawa dan apa yang lebih menakutkan ialah kesan gempa bumi tersebut menyebabkan reaktor nuklear di Fukushima mengalami kebocoran, ini berlaku kerana Jepun telah gagal untuk mengaplikasikan Teknologi Hijau dan mengabaikan penjagaan alam sekitar kalau mengikut komen Wanita Pertama. Tidak dilupakan kepada penggemar gajet keluaran syarikat buah-buahan Apple kematian Steve Job CEO merangkap pengasas Apple adalah satu kehilangan besar kepada tamadun dunia.
Malaysia sendiri sepanjang tahun 2011 pelbagai peristiwa penting berlaku dari kes pembunuhan jutawan kosmetik, peristiwa artis kahwin VIP tidak lupa juga isu lembu tinggal di kondo dan peristiwa penangkapan Khir Toyo kerana kepandaian beliau membuat tawar-menawar pembelian tanah.
Intihanya kedatangan tahun 2012 bukanlah bermaksud konsert dan pertunjukkan bunga api percuma, kedatangan tahun 2012 adalah bermaksud cabaran yang lebih besar bakal menjelma bagi aku.

Selamat Tahun Baru..

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Direct selling a.k.a Jualan langsung bukan MLM

Selamat menyambut hari Natal, tahun 2011 yang membawa seribu pengertian kepada mereka-mereka yang suka mengforward  macam-macam tentang hari Natal  ini.
Bukan nak cerita pasal HAI-O atau pasal Lempe Berger dan macam-macam lagi, saja nak cerita tentang strategi jualan langsung dari rumah ke rumah dengan membawa produk yang memang berkualiti tinggi dan susah nak dijumpai kat Tanah Melayu ni termasuk dalam e-bay atau Sedang aku dok melepak kat kedai kopi di kampung tiba-tiba datang seseorang memberi salam dan memberitahu tujuan dia datang adalah untuk menjual keropok. Apabila salah seorang kawan aku mengatakan yang dia baru sahaja membeli keropok sebentar tadi penjual keropok tu mengatakan niat beliau bukanlah mahu menjual keropok sebenarnya tetapi beliau mahu mencari duit untuk membiayai pengajian anak beliau di negara Mesir. Lagak seperti Prof Agus dalam rancangan Hujah penjual tadi memberitahu senario politik di negara Mesir, beliau memberitahu isterinya di rumah begitu bimbang akan situasi anak mereka di negara Mesir tersebut, kawan aku senyum je sambil dengar aku tengok macam simpati pun ada. Dalam hati aku mahu saja aku tanya penjual tu kat universiti mana anak penjual tu belajar nak suruh dia contact orang kat kedutaan senang sikit tahu status anak dia kalau tak pun orang kat kedutaan tu pun sibuk main facebook jugak. Kawan aku tetap juga dengan kenyataan dia tadi, keropok dia sudah beli, penjual tadi mengucapkan terima kasih. Selepas penjual keropok direct selling tu beransur kawan aku cakap semalam 2 orang datang jual keropok dan bagi alasan nak kumpul duit untuk anak mereka kat Mesir jugak. Celaka, jual keropok pun nak kait pasal isu-isu semasa jugak ke? Ingatkan budak-budak yang nak periksa SPM je yang kena alert dengan isu-isu semasa ni.

Perihal Pelajar Afrika dan Nigeria

     Menyingkap kembali sejarah kedatangan besar-besaran orang Afrika kat negara Malaysia ini ia bermula selepas Perdana Menteri Malaysia yang dulu  mengadakan kerjasama dengan negara Afrika. Kerjasama yang dimaksudkan ialah kerjasama dari segi pertukaran teknologi dan juga peluang pelaburan diantara kedua-dua pihak. Kesan dari itu apa yang kita lihat hari ini semakin ramai warga Afrika datang ke sini atas tiket belajar. Tidak salah sekiranya semua warga Afrika yang datang ke negara ini untuk belajar tetapi kesan kebanjiran mereka ini telah mengubah sosio budaya masyarakat tempatan terutamanya di tempat yang menjadi tumpuan warga Afrika. Umumnya di Afrika sendiri beberapa buah negara Afrika mengadakan saringan yang ketat kemasukan pelancong dari Nigeria, kenapa ini berlaku? Negara Afrika sendiri sebenarnya sedar ancaman yang di bawa oleh warga Nigeria ini, mereka bukan hanya datang ke sesebuah negara semata-mata untuk melancong tetapi ada tujuan lain. Malaysia bukan negara pertama menjadi tumpuan mereka sebelum ini warga Afrika pernah menjadikan Amerika dan juga Amerika Selatan sebagai tempat menjalankan operasi mereka disebabkan kegiatan mereka telah dihidu di sana mereka mengalihkan tumpuan ke negara Asia pula.
Modus operandi golongan ini sangat mudah mencari mana-mana golongan wanita yang kurang kasih sayang dan ahli perniagaan yang mencari jalan singkat untuk kaya. Kenapa wanita yang kurang kasih sayang menjadi sasaran? Jawapannya sangat mudah cinta itu buta tidak perlu pening kepala memikirkan kenapa ini boleh berlaku. Manusia bernama perempuan kat Malaysia ini sebenarnya agak unik mereka tidak pernah serik jauh sekali putus asa walau pun berbagai pendedahan telah dibuat masih ramai yang menjadi mangsa. Kerajaan sepatutnya sedar kemasukan pelajar dan pelancong Afrika sebenarnya membawa banyak implikasi buruk. Sangat tidak logik warga Afrika berumur 40 tahun datang ke negara ini untuk menyambung pengajian peringkat diploma. Sebenarnya yang patut dipersalahkan dalam isu ini ialah pengurusan kolej swasta yang hanya mementingkan keuntungan semata-mata mereka tanpa mengambil tahu latar belakang pemohon dengan mudah megeluarkan pas pelajar yang merupakan lesen bagi warga Afrika untuk tinggal di negara ini. Tiada apa yang pelik sebenarnya kat Malaysia ni, sebelum ini kita pernah menjemput Presiden Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe datang ke negara kita untuk satu dialog ekonomi, amat tidak masuk akal Zimbabwe sendiri tidak mampu menguruskan negara mereka dan untuk pengetahuan semua kalau tidak silap indeks inflasi di Zimbabwe ialah 1 000 000 peratus apa bangangnya kita hendak kongsi sesuatu dengan mereka.

Education must provide the opportunities for self-fulfillment; it can at best provide a rich and challenging environment for the individual to explore, in his own way. Noam Chomsky

Siti Aisyah Ma Hussin is sharing their Trip to Kota Bharu with you

BlackBerry® Travel

Hello Blogger,
I'm using BlackBerry Travel to manage my travel plans for
my Trip to Kota Bharu, and would like to share my itinerary with you.
Flight MH 1402, Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bharu
Departure:  KUL, Dec 23 2011 06:25 PM
Arrival:  KBR, Dec 23 2011 07:20 PM
Flight FY 2071, Kota Bharu to Kuala Lumpur
Departure:  KBR, Dec 27 2011 09:45 PM
Arrival:  SZB, Dec 27 2011 10:50 PM
Best Regards,

Siti Aisyah

Generated by BlackBerry Travel
Copyright © 2011 Research In Motion Limited, All rights reserved

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Kerja dan Bekerja

     Dalam masa lebih kurang seminggu lagi kita akan menghadapi tahun baru 2012 kalau ikut kalendar orang putih, dan dalam orang sibuk bercakap pasal akhir tahun ini bagi mereka yang bekerja adalah satu kemestian untuk bercakap pasal bonus. Majoriti kebanyakan majikan biasanya akan mula memberi bonus pada hujung tahun namun ada sesetengah majikan yang yang beri bonus pada awal tahun dan ada juga pada tengah tahun, kita bercakap tentang majoriti walau pun kadang-kadang majoriti ini hanya dipisahkan dengan satu perbezaan dan ia tetap dikira majoriti. Pemberian bonus kalau diikutkan memang merupakan motivasi besar bagi setiap kaum pekerja bagi yang mendapat durian runtuh bonus 10 bulan misalnya pasti satu hadiah yang bermakna untuk sambut tahun baru manakala bagi yang tidak bernasib baik hanya mendapat 1 atau 2 bulan tidak perlu mempertikaikan kerana rezeki memang telah ditentukan. 
     Kerja di bumi Malaysia ini kalau ikut kata Menteri Sumber Manusia masih mampu menampung kehendak pasaran tapi yang menjadi masalah ialah rakyat Malaysia terlalu memilih kerja bagi aku kenyataan ini ada betul dan ada tidak. Apabila bekerja kita akan mengharapkan untuk mendapat bayaran yang setimpal dengan apa yang kita kerjakan, bagi majikan pula tiada lain yang lebih diutamakan kecuali keuntungan bila ini berlaku ia akan mewujudkan persaingan yang kadang-kadang sihat tapi kebanyakan tidak sihat. Setiap orang tidak pernah tidak menghadapi masalah dalam kerja cuma masalah itu kecil atau besar bergantung kepada individu itu sendiri untuk menyelesaikannya. Orang baik seperti Hassan Ali dan Nasharudin sendiri ada masalah dalam kerja inikan pula manusia biasa, memang sifat manusia tidak pernah berpuashati dengan apa yang ada dan kadang-kadang tidak boleh terima kenyataan bila terkena kepada diri sendiri.
Selamat menyambut Hari Natal kepada mereka yang meraikan.
No individual gets up and says, I'm going to take this because I want it. He'd say, I'm going to take it because it really belongs to me and it would be better for everyone if I had it. It's true of children fighting over toys. And it's true of governments going to war. Nobody is ever involved in an aggressive war; it's always a defensive war -- on both sides. Noam Chomsky

Boarding Pass.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Siti Aisyah Ma Hussin is sharing their Trip to Kota Bharu with you

BlackBerry® Travel

Hello Blogger,
I'm using BlackBerry Travel to manage my travel plans for
my Trip to Kota Bharu, and would like to share my itinerary with you.
Flight MH 1402, Kuala Lumpur to Kota Bharu
Departure:  KUL, Dec 23 2011 06:25 PM
Arrival:  KBR, Dec 23 2011 07:20 PM
Best Regards,

Siti Aisyah

Generated by BlackBerry Travel
Copyright © 2011 Research In Motion Limited, All rights reserved

Monday, December 12, 2011

Baby eating a butterfly.


I gotta keep my head up and I let my hair down. I've been trying to survive. Surviving this journey of life. Dropping my worries. I got my hands in my pockets. Kicking those hard rocks. Aishhh. Its kinda hard to watch this life goes by. I'm buying in the skeptics. Skeptics mess with, the confidence in my eyes. When everything starts to get tangled, I start to compromise. Of my life and the purpose etc. Is it all worth it? Am I gonna turn out fine?

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

It will turn out fine.

I woke up. I feel weird. The whole Selangor state is having their holiday as Sultan Selangor' birthday is happening today. Meanwhile us in KL still have to wake up at the break of dawn, getting ready for work etc etc. As I stared myself in the mirror, I felt bizarre. I don't know why. But I kinda felt a deep connection with what,whom, idk. It's just too strange for me. Today.

For as I took my ignorance into a whole new level today, I looked away. Peek no longer into that reflective, glass coated with metal amalgam, I went for my morning shower. Continued with Subuh prayer, get dressed and put on my make up etc. Am ready for my Monday.

Still. I can't get this eerie feeling out of me. Seriously, I don't know what is causing it. But I gotta make a move. Keep on moving, getting thru with my daily thingy.

Onichi drove me to Central KL today coz she's rushing to the Parliament. I took the LRT straightaway to Ampang Park and surprise surprise. I bumped into Manap in the coach. He greeted me with a solemn smile, pat both my cheeks saying, "Assalamualaikum". I was so happy.

So happy that I didn't realize I'm in tears. But they don't really touch my sweet cheeks. It felt like I haven't seen him for years. So many to tell. Too much. Too many to list down. They're just too much. . Awwwh. He said, " Dah, kau kalau jumpa aku mula la. Nak nangis ha. Aku tau sangat. Banyak cite la tu. ".

Hªªhªhªªhªªhªhªª. Yes. Looking into his eyes, idk why. Everything backfires on me. Flashing in my eyeballs. I see lotsa things. Idk. Emotion lingers. He wanna buy me breakfast, but I said no as I'm already late for work. So I decided, lunch together today. And he nodded.

He walked me till Ampang Park's 7E as I stopped him, "Dahla. Kau nak gi gym kat FF kan. Tapayah escort aku bagai. Aku boleh jalan sendiri hahahaa. Kau sepatutnya turun KLCC kan. Hosho. Dah. I see you during lunch je. Nanti kita sembang bagai la. "

I continued my way, paced at a breathtaking speed. Thinking of nothing. But still, very odd on the inside. Empty perhaps.

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Monday, December 05, 2011

#2 :

Peringatan dan Pesanan Untuk Diri Sendiri


Membuat silap dan kelalaian bukan satu benda yang mudah untuk dilupakan. Sekali ia berlaku seumur hidup kesilapan itu akan sentiasa bergerak seiring dengan kedewasaan kita menghadapi hari-hari seterusnya. Tidak ramai yang berani atau jujur untuk mengakui kesilapan sendiri malah lebih senang menuding jari menyalahkan orang lain atau menyalahkan sesuatu.
Secara logiknya tidak pernah ada umat manusia di dunia ini yang tidak pernah melakukan kesilapan. Kesilapan ini berlaku mungkin disebabkan kelalaian atau memang sifat semulajadi manusia perasaan ingin tahu menyebabkan kita tidak pernah serik untuk mencuba walaupun kita sendiri sudah mampu meramalkan hasilnya.
Bukan ingin menyalahkan sesiapa tetapi terlalu ramai yang memang suka menerakakan orang lain apabila seseorang itu membuat silap. Siapalah kita hendak menghakimi dosa pahala orang lain. Kita berkongsi dunia yang sama, menyedut oksigen yang sama apa salahnya kalau saling menegur atau paling tidak pun tidak menghukum terus mereka yang silap. Kenapa kita tidak boleh memberi peluang? Dunia ini sudah sempit sangatkah sehingga tiada ruang untuk orang lain?

Let me say at the risk of seeming ridiculous that the true revolutionary is guided by great feelings of love.
Che Guevara

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Monday, November 14, 2011

#1 : (untitled)

SPM Bahagian 1


Demi menepati janji, cerita aku tak pandai menulis aku letak belakang. Entri ini adalah sempena peperiksaan. yang boleh diumpamakan sebagai perjuangan hidup mati bagi mereka yag bergelar pelajar sekolah iaitu peperiksaan Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). SPM telah bermula hari ini 14 Nov dan akan berakhir pada 14 Dis 2011. Ketaksuban dan kengerian SPM ini memang terbukti kerana setiap tahun pasti ada khabar angin dari soalan bocor hinggalah ada yang membunuh diri sebab gagal mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang. Ya bunuh diri! Kenapa orang sanggup buat kerja bodoh ini demi SPM?
Seperti yang kita tahu di Malaysia kamu akan dianggap gagal sekiranya tidak mendapat keputusan yang cemerlang dalam SPM. SPM ni memang ada prestij dia sendiri keputusan peperiksaan yang baik bermakna kamu mempunyai masa depan yang cerah berbanding rakan kamu yang hanya lulus cukup-cukup makan. Kenapa aku cakap begitu?
Dengan keputusan peperiksaan SPM yg baik kamu berhak mendapat biasiswa untuk melanjutkan pelajaran di mana-mana sahaja yang kamu suka begitu juga dengan pilihan kursus dan sedikit bonus kamu juga mungkin menjadi idaman gadis-gadis cantik.
Bagaimana pula nasib rakan-rakan yg tidak secemerlang kamu? Mereka ini semua akan memenuhi tempat-tempat pengajian yang pelbagai sama ada milik kerajaan atau swasta atau bagi yang ingin lebih bebas mereka boleh mula mencari kerja di samping ramai juga yang memilih untuk menghabiskan duit mak bapak.

Kalau ada idea aku sambung bahagian 2 nanti. Selamat berjaya kepada calon-calon SPM 2011, dengar cerita soalan Bahasa Melayu Kertas 1 pagi tadi senang betul ke?.

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Co-writer, where are you ?!

It's November. I wish nothing but a better sweet November memories to capture, each and every year. Preparing myself for my most awaited month of the year, December. My December. And the new year of 2012 to approach. Hihihi . These two, three months had been rough on me. Crucial I must say. I don't think I should list 'em out as they are not worth remembering.
November rain. It's pouring here in KL. Almost everyday. I love rain. The humid and wet yet moist feeling. Yes. Cold. And of course it's freezing cold here in the office nowadays. I sneeze and sneeze and cuddling is essential at this point/time. *tongue*. But I rarely wrap myself up with any of my jackets, blazer or even my Pashmina. Ha-ha. Loving the rain doesn't mean am not missing the warmth of sunlight. Enough with the daydreaming, Beck.
These two, three days I've tried to start back with my reading and I bought new books. But then, instead of being productive, I went for movies, coffees, sleepovers and ввм all the way (cos that's how I roll, yaw !)
Also, not been baking much but I'm pretty sure I will do some catch ups with my bakings very, very soon. Idk what happened, but excitement (of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I never know of what) is sparking in me.
Let's see, what else. Oh yeah, still. I got more vouchers to Cherating. Last time was only one and now I got all three vouchers. Don't know when to use, with whom to go, how to go there and aaaaargh. It's a pain in the arse to decide yet I don't wanna go there just by myself. The vouchers just sit there LITERALLY in my planner, collecting dust. And yep. Speaking of dust, I should clean my room soon. Don't wanna say much on that. (˘.˘'!|)
And again. About the weather. It's been a pain. Again. It's getting colder day by day and I don't see the sun anymore :'( Dark at 5 - 6pm is just depressing. I actually eat my dinner at 5pm ... Erm idk. I rarely do dinner sometimes because the night feels so god damn long.
As yall can tell I'm pretty much bored and complaining, whining about my everyday life is always nice.
*can I say that*
Well, that's it for now I guess. And yes. I probably gonna have a co-blogger or you can call as co-writer here in
*w i n k* but still, I see no sign of him. Ha-ha. So-- pls don't wait. He'll appear soon. I think. Idk. Bye !

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Monday, November 07, 2011

fly high

ohh hai. eid adha celebration is trending now but i spent only two days and one night to be home for the eid. my parents are away.  they're now in Mecca performing their hajj and only be back by early december. i miss them both so much. i went back to my hometown with my aunts, uncles and cousin by car. please dont asked how long we spent on the highway. because it's been the most horrible traffic jam i ever had compared to previous festive seasons. the thing is as above, i got nothing but.. you know. i took the picture during my flight. last night. i fly with FireFly as MAS tickets are sold out and since there are not much differences on flying with FireFly or MAS as FireFly is co-shared airline with MAS. Its just with FireFly, KBR bound for SZB I fly with the ATR-72 series fleet and not the Boeing 737.  and yes. the duration to  reach KUL is somewhat differs as usually takes about 45-50mins and as flying with FireFly (SZB) takes about one hour. Whatevv.  Anyways, am now back in KL and yes. Tomorrow gotta get back to the office. Tonnes of works waiting. Drawings and stuffs. so, it's good to be back in KL. cant wait for the movie date. hurm.. what else. okay. am done. bye !

Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

Still remember the cute post that embrace the cute-ness of a baby on Halloween ? 
You can click here nothing is cuter than this
Well since that one is soooo last year, lemme post another one for this year.
It is super cute and hell yeah, nothing is cuter than this one too.

And as quoted by Anya Marina, one of my favourite singer: 

" Sorry, bud. If you drink too much and pass out at the Halloween party, 
you end up on the Internet ". 

Just like what Katy Perry sung about in her TGIF song right. Bhaha. So American. 

Ain't the baby is the cutest?
Makes me say "awwwww~"

Happy Halloween 2011 !
*#nowplaying Thriller by MJ*

Siti Aisyah Ma Hussin is sharing her Trip to Kuala Lumpur with you

BlackBerry® Travel

Hello Blogger,
I'm using BlackBerry Travel to manage my travel plans for my Trip to
Kuala Lumpur,
and would like to share my itinerary with you.
Flight FY 2069, Kota Bharu to Kuala Lumpur
Departure:  KBR, Nov 6 2011 08:45 PM
Arrival:  SZB, Nov 6 2011 09:50 PM
Best Regards,

Siti Aisyah

Generated by BlackBerry Travel
Copyright © 2011 Research In Motion Limited, All rights reserved

Sunday, October 30, 2011


For your information, am not a #TYPOlice or to be more specific, a grammar freak so-called corrector. But as far as I know, time is non-countable and as for this sentence;
" Give me a time "
Is so not acceptable. Ha-ha.
It should be;
" Give me some time "
" Give me time "

That's all.

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Monday, October 17, 2011


Life is a journey. A journey that you will never know where it can takes you or to who it will brings you to. As long a you're learning, you'll find all you'll ever need to know. Just don't forsake it because nobody can ever tell you what you can't do nor even can stop you. Dig deep.

Just have faith.

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Be there.

"The glue in our humanity is in being fully present for one another. Being there also is a great way to practice this wholeheartedness and fight burnout, for it is those halfhearted tasks you perform while juggling other things that wear you, me out."

Damn you Korean drama.

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Good music.

"I think I finally found a note to make you understand. Which is if you can hear it, sing along with me, together with me and take me by the hands. Keep me, myself inside your heart is a boombox, a stereo that only plays, beats for you. Only you".


Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Tuesday, October 11, 2011


"My stomach is burning. Terasa sangat bila ubat is penetrated into my tube. Hoping that this will last very soon. Thank you for not visiting and I'm very truly sorry you guys for as I can't provide the information of which medical centre I was admitted. I need nothing but your love and prayers. Hope to get out of here very soon. "


Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone


Hospitalized. Sick. Death-bed.
Facebook deactivated.


Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Friday, September 30, 2011

The Part Of Me

I feel like I'm, a million miles away. Away from myself. More and more these days. I went down, so many open roads. But they never lead me home.
Now I just don't know who I really am, or how is it gonna be. Is there something that I can't be? I wanna understand. Like really to understand it.
Perhaps I'll never be who I was before. Perhaps I don't even know her anymore. Or maybe who I am today ain't so far from yesterday. How am I gonna find all the missing part of mine.
I don't wanna wait too long. To find out where I meant to belong. I have always wanted to be where I am today, but I never thought I'd feel this way.

Sent by DiGi from my BlackBerry® Smartphone

Monday, September 19, 2011

O dear.

For all my life I’ve known you. I learn to not giving up, no matter what. You taught me not to. The spirits of yours stick in me. I don’t know.

O dear. Now that we’re here. We’ve come this far. Please dear. Just hold on. You want me to save you right. There is nothing to fear.
For I am right beside you. For all my life, I’m yours dear. Just hang in there.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


"Ape cerita kita ni. Macam makan gaji buta je lately" -Syukran Razak, Engineering Assistant, ALCIM SDN. BHD.

He said and I quoted as above. We have not been busy lately due to no project assigned to us. Aiyoo. Sampai online pun we all dah naik jelak. What to do ni. Each and everyday as I passed the Intermark, I whispered to myself yang I wanna be productive. But then, ended up... online je memanjang. But as for me, I ade la few oil platform drawings nak kena check kan. tade la 100% goyang kaki. LOL. I fill in timesheet, keep myself busy. Ya know. Do some stuffs. Tapi nearly 2weeks jugak la being like this. Risau pun ade. Ha-ha. Rutin lately jadi erm masuk ofc, check email from bosses/engineers, bukak drawings sambil tune in to, lunch break, solat Zohor, check drawings lagi, solat Asar, update timesheet, kemas kemas, pastu balik. *Sigh. But I dengar by next week gonna start busy. Ade new oil terminal project by PETRONAS. Yipee! Cant wait. Nanti ade lotsa drawings dah tak leh nak bersiul siul camni dah. Gonna get busy ohh. So okay la. Nak kemas kemas. Mau pulang o yeah!



This post is about KFC je okayy. Anyway, as yall know I cant eat chicken. But dearest pny pasal, I pegi KFC dgn beliau last night. In fact it's been awhile we both tak pegi KFC. Asyik Kenny Roger' je kann. I had Chicken Rice set and Zul chose Snack plate w Mirinda Strawberry. I had two pcs of chickens, but I only managed to finish only the rice and half a 1-pc of chicken. The rest, dear Zul yang makan. Adoi. Phaill la makan ayam ni. tak #turnON langsung haha. Anyway, we had a lil talk last night but yea. Thanks dear for having me. Nak kena balik from ofc then straight away pick me up from my house kann. Nak suh you tengokkan scootie, tapi asyik lupe. Am afraid of something happened to the oil tank. Nvmnd la. Sepatutnya last night jugak need to grab an MP3 player. But then, dah lambat. Maybe nanti la. As he sent me home, I terus telan ubat. Sebab takut takleh tido due to gatal gatal allergies kan. Aihh. Story of my life. Anyway. Esok cuti okayy. Buah hati keje sbb nnt nk cuti byk for the sister' wedding, Farah and Fiziey. Takpela. Balik keje at 1730hrs kan, datang trus jumpa saya la. Haha. Okayy, yall enjoy your long weekend okayy. Am out.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

siapa anda 10 tahun lagi ?

A fabulous leading lady w an awesome life-partner on my side

cmon,ask me. XD

kenapa panda suka makan bamboo :)

Sebab panda rasa panda sangat comel mase makan bamboo tu . Ngaha!

cmon,ask me. XD

apakah yang korang buat lepas bangun tidur ??

Check my emails and texts ;)

cmon,ask me. XD

Hows raya? ;)

Ohh-sem :)

cmon,ask me. XD

IKEA and gastric

Okay. MC. Got gastric. And Zul also offday. He said, wanna pick me up and go somewhere somewhere. So we went to the Clinic first at Alam Damai. After that straightaway to IKEA we bought a good present for Farah, his sister as she's getting married in two weeks! Woah. Hihihi. So happy for her. My bf lagi la. Bebel2 cakap dia busy macam dia je nak kahwin. Puhhlis. Common la. Nanti sendiri kawen, tau la rasenye. Siap told me, "I dah bagtau Kakak awal awal. Kak, kalau aku kahwin nanti kau kena busy busy gak tolong. Aku amik cuti 5hari ni sebab kau punya majlis tau." Funny brother and sister. Cute je. Well, I'll pray for Farah nanti on her wedding day, everything will go smoothly insyaAllah.Ohh back to our IKEA. Macam2 I nak beli kat IKEA. But my other half, Zul, buat summary for each present yang I pick. Itu tak kena, ini tak kena till we found one heck of a present yang we both agree it's gonna be awesome for Farah and her future hubby, Hafizi :). Afterwards, had meatballs at IKEA Cafe, then jenjalan sket. Then dah kuar IKEA, we headed to Dr Mell's house in TTDI. Pegi jumpa her as she's back from UK and kitorang pegi tengok her lil kitties. There are 4 of 'em and we both were so excited. Zul blh terkejut ngn pure English slang Mell's mother. Haha. Ape la. We had fun at Dr Mell's and we both agreed to adopt (perhaps) one of 'em. Zul decided to have the white kitty. Male.Very manja one.Arini tak snap pictures pon as HTC kena hantar for repair. Aihh.After TTDI, we headed back to Cheras, lepak JJ Cheras Selatan plak.On the way back to Cheras  tu, he sung me songs. Beria. Karaoke in the car la katakan. Macam macam songs been sung, some of 'em are Don't Cry, I cant live by Mariah Carey, Please Dont Go by Mike Posner (our most fav), lagu ape tah ...sekebun cinta by Ziana Zain tu, and few more. Cant rmmber all. Ye la kan, traffic awful tu yang boleh bukak karaoke jap. LOL. At JJ,  bought another wedding gift for my friend, Zul had a massage for RM1 on the massage chair, nak tgk movie then cancel and we had a drink at Starbucks. As per usual, his fav signature iced choc and i had iced caramel soy latte.Had a great time today. Hilang sakit sakit haha. Thank you love for having me.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Reading stuffs.

Assalamualaikum folks.

Second entry. Hey. Hehe.
So. Have I told you guys about am buying new books for the unborn and the newborn?
I did not?
My my my.
I bought books you know.
I loooove books.
But well.
These books arent for me.
I mean the books that am gonna tell yall about in a few.

There are three book altogether.
One had given out to my newborn angel, Syaheerah Humairaa'. Niece, to be exact. I bought that book like two months ago. A book that published in the USA, entitled Along Came You by Karona Drummond. I dont have the picture of the book as it had been handed to my Onichi to keep it for Syaheerah. The book is about a mom tells her little girl how her life has changed since motherhood. This heartwarming book chronicles what we go through when we take on the most important job of our lives, from how we decorate our house to we eat our breakfast. Such a sweet escape to explore in just one book. It's one of those books that will leave a sof spot in your heart and will be a favorite bedtime read. Trust me. I touches me when I first time read it.

My second book entitled You Were Loved Before You Were Born. Specially bought for my soon-to-be-born niece/nephew. Written by Eve Bunting. A delight one. I loved this book you know. It is about how extended family, friends and neighbors were excited and ecstatic to meet the new baby before he/she was even born. Just how it should be. Folk style retro illustrations were whimsical I tell you. Also I dont have the picture of it. Later on perhaps I will 'steal' back the book from my baby sister, Syakirah (the mother-to-be), to snap a photo of the book. As you can see am super excited and give out the book to Syakirah. I dont know why ha-ha.

And here comes the other book. School of Fear by Gitty Daneshvari. This book is very funny I tell you. I bought this book to give out to Faqihah, my boyfriend' little sister. It is a ggod book with a hilarious story. In this book four kids, Madeleine Masterson, Theodore Bartholomew, Lulu Punchalower, and Garrison Feldman are sent to the School of Fear to master their very own phobias. Madeleine is scared of bugs, Theo of death, Lulu of small spaces and Garrison of water. Can you imagine that? Ha-ha-ha. In the beginning it is a bit slow I think, but then afterward it speeds up. This book is otherwise awesome and I have no regret on buying it and gave it to Qihah. I hope that have fun with the book and of course enjoy reading as much as I do.

So, I really hope that Syaheerah, Onichi, Syakirah, the baby and Faqihah will enjoy reading, having the book as their own.


ape yang korang buat bila korang accident ??

Well.I had been into this one accident. Right in front of Istana Budaya which caused me my left wrist. Fractured. All that I cant remember when I fell was my Scootie and Mom. I wasnt crying but more to "Ohh no! Scootie gonna had a scratch" and "Am sorry Mom for as you have to know about this(my injuries and of the accident)" such stuff. So when I got into an accident, this what I might think or do. You know. Ha-ha.

cmon,ask me. XD

artis korea mana yang anda minat sangat-sangat ??

Crossing out K-pop or anything related to Korean entertainment thingy.

cmon,ask me. XD

korang suka makan ice-cream perisa ape ??

Easy.Traditional one. Vanilla of course.

cmon,ask me. XD

favorite Mamak restaurant..?

Favourite mamak restaurant..? Ish. Tacky nye question. I have no mamak restaurant kesukaan lah. any mamak makan place will do.

cmon,ask me. XD

This is madness.

Mayday! Mayday!

Breaking news.
Shocking one.
This is an emergency-cy-cy-cy-cy-cy.
This is not a SPAM.
The whole family had been 'fooled'
Ha-ha. By our very own Mom.
Oh No!
Figured out by The Most Intelligent and Rare Pokemon,yet very entrepreneurial person, our very own brother,Adib nyahahahaa!
This is how it happened.
We're having fried rice for breakfast. Today. And as Adib went to the stove to take something something there, he found a used small red packet of Fried rice seasoning written Seri Aji's Home Style Fried Bihun. Can you believe that? And all of us were like jaw-dropping at once, and stuffy stuff. Such a show-stopping moment as we're throwing food down our throat. Bari'ah was like, "Hah...?!!" and we ended up laughing our asses off at the dining table. And in a few Mom passed by the dining table heading out and with her arrogant-do-I-look-like-I-care face, "Why? Tok sedak koh?...Duuh" and swift away. Bhaha. We continued giggling.  Haisho. It's actually not really a surprise for us. We all know that Mom is such a busy-I-want-to-do-everything-in-one-time superwoman. And we also knew that she's not a fancy cook to cook traditional dishes like all the mothers out there. But ya know. It's been a while we haven't seen her making breakfast using a mix 'n fry seasoning especially in cooking fried rice and yet.... Home Style...?? Fried Bihun seasoning to cook fried rice some more..? Cmon Mom haha. But hey. Still. That's why we love our one and only Mom. She's never be afraid to be different in every way. And anyway the fried rice today was delish and we're happy to taste such fried rice using fried bihun' seasoning. Also, it's good to start our morning with such delight with everyone. 

and as of you guys,

have you had your breakfast..?

breakfast in the morning is good you know. a good trigger. perk up your morning with a cup of coffee too.


Monday, July 11, 2011

My Monalisa.

There was this person. Trying to kill,murder me with stories and tales. Spreading words and rumors. Things that I never did. People might start to throw weird eyes and look,and of course bad thoughts over me. As I can no longer bare of it, I reach up for my friend. A friend that so far had never turn her back on me. Always got my back. Gave me the best advice. I could not ask anything more than this. Thank you for supporting me thru this 'thick' situation. The number that I speed-dialed right at the moment definitely the best choice and I knew it that you're the perfect person to reach. I knew that I would want to talk to anyone else but you. You saved me from the biggest mistake I would make. You rescued me from being constantly stabbed by this Monalisa. You gave me the miracle gel so that my scar will heal,vanish than purposely cut and bleed. You helped me to fight this tears from touching my cheeks. Making me stronger. Helped me embracing the positive energy within despite the negativity. Thank you. Thank you so very much Farah Sharmiza Johari. As am letting go KL, I will never let go off you. Girlfriends stick to each other! Love you.

Sent from my HTC

Monday, July 04, 2011

Chocolate Ganache.

80g pure cream
50g dark chocolate, chopped
25g milk chocolate, chopped
14g butter

For ganache, pour cream into a saucepan and almost bring to the boil. Add chocolate and stir until smooth. Add butter and mix until well combined. Fill chilled tartlets with ganache and refrigerate for 20-30 minutes to set.

Friday, July 01, 2011


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Smoothie Recipe #1

In all of a sudden. Am so wanna share this awwwwww-some Smoothie recipe with you guys out there. It's one of my favourite banana smoothie which is called Bananalishious.

Name: Bananalishous


1 large banana
1 large cup of milk
2 scoops of vanilla ice-cream
sprinkle of cinnamon (optional)


Combine all ingredients in a blender until well blended. Pour into glasses and sprinkle on top with cinnamon. If you prefer a more thick smoothie/milkshake, add 1 more banana.


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Saturday, May 07, 2011

Above the sky, heading home.

well. I flew home last Saturday with MH 1426. As always, MAS services are the BEST! It was a great pleasure to fly again with MAS. Praise be to Allah my flight wasn't delay and everything went smooth til I reached KBR. Erm.. Checked in using my ENRICH Card, had MacDonald's for dinner hurm... And as per usual, having the best inflight magazine, Going Places, is a must and ou yeah, juice. Pink guava juice was chosen and I was not in the mood for orange juice at that time. The cabin crew was awesome and I was so glad to fly again with MAS.  

Friday, May 06, 2011

apa kita nak kena buat kalau kita bercinta dgn org lain tapi hati kita dgn org lain?

If hati you dengan orang lain, means you are not BERCINTA dengan the current person. So, I believe you should dig deep to find the real reason why you are still with the NOW person. Love is somewhat an abstract feeling, yet it makes us feel good eventhough you dont really know what kind of love is that youre having. But then dont hurt yourself coz of love and try to not hurt everyone else coz of your love. :)

cmon,ask me. XD

Thursday, May 05, 2011

SEXY offer.

ohh. last time I shopped at La Senza was like... somewhere in March. Gosh. New inner wear needed! Bhaha. macam every months wajib beli kan. *perempuan ni gile* And as I saw this offer, I turned out to be super ecstatic. Most comfortable bra ever. A total must-haves! It's like having our very own second skin and as they advertised and I quoted, "Forget You're Wearing It". Wahh. Meanwhile awal bulan and gaji tengah hangat ni, I should pay a visit and grab one or two of this brand new collections from La Senza. *gelak gedik* So girls, get your ass off that sofa and let's rush to the nearest La Senza store!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

of the Royal Wedding.

WET- nessDAY.

The title was adapted by my sidekick' tweet. Buddy, I got what you mean. totally ha-ha. Anyways, I started my day today with a vile of BRANDS' Inner Shine Prune Essence. How would you start your day with...? :) Good morning and have a whack-wacky-WETness-DAY to all muaccchs.

Monday, April 25, 2011

hah. this is for sarara.

this is my very own recipe. I call it as old fashioned choc cupcakes. I created this as I was making cupcakes years ago fulfilling  friends' and family' orders as they request for super moist bake-base dark choc cupcakes and, as I also want my cakes to not popping up too high in the cupcakes casing for topping and buttercream on the top. this recipe posted as also requested by my sweet sarara so that she could have something fun to do during her semester break :).

1/2 cup butter
1/4 cup sugar
2 large eggs
3/4 cup all purpose flour
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda
1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup milk
1 tsp vanilla essence

well, the steps are always the same. cream the butter and sugar. then pour in the essence and break in the two eggs. beat till they fluff, scoop the flour, that already combined with the baking soda and baking powder, one at a time into the batter. dont bring in the flour all at once. you might make a mess out of that. along came in the choc powder, afterwards pour in the milk into the mixture. mix until well-combined, and it's ready for the cute cupcakes casing. fill in around 3/4 the cupcakes casing and it's ready for the oven that had been 45-minutes-pre-heated for 10 to 15mins.

**choc ganache will be in on the next entry okayy!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Who's that girl...?

This is it. I meant her. Emmi Natasha. A blogger, just like me. We knew thru blogging. I'd like to link yall her blogpage but sadly it's a private blog. Aihh. Anyways. The deal had been made like for weeks. We planned to hang out together since we've been communicating with each other thru YM, Twitter, and of course Facebook. Frankly, in the virtual world. We did exchanged our mobile numbers, right before my BF's little sister' engagement day so that if I attended the event we could meet there. Unfortunately I was freaking busy and cant make it to the engagement ceremony. But then... look. You see. We finally met. Emmi just finished with her final examination for this semester and we planned to meet right after she done with the papers. I promised her Tutti Frutti treats and I did kept my words. Ngeee XD. Super happy to finally see each other that day. I picked her up with WRN at her hostel in IIUM, I was pretty nervous back there. Well, havent see each other kan. :P But then as we started to talk and chit chat, not a single awkwardness gloom in me. Hee. We talked about almost everything. I was like, I wished I didnt even wanna drive, just talk and chit and chat till I puke bhaha. Had such a great time wih Emmi. And am so ecstatic to be the person to introduce Tuti Frutti to Emmi. She have been craving for it for so long *that's what she told me la* and plus, I was super crazy with this froyo, I absolutely gone insane la with it hihi.  Shortly, thank you Emmi for the time. If I wanna tell yall every single thing we did on that day, ....idk. So many to tell. Hihi. But to finally meet Emmi was super FUN!

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Am coming home.

"I'm coming home ,I'm coming home 
tell the World I'm coming home 
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday 
I know my kingdom awaits and they've forgiven my mistakes 
I'm coming home, I'm coming home 
tell the World that I'm coming "

Ou yeah people. Am coming home. Thou my leave is not approve, but am so coming home right after work. Mom said it's a compulsory. So I compulsory-ly made a short-quick booking to fly home. O' praise be to Allah, everything went well smoothly. So cant wait to be home for Angah's Wedding, this months' end. I booked the last flight so that I could make it to KLIA for my flight. I know that I wont make it to the bride's reception but I'll make sure that I'll be there on the groom' side of reception on the next day. Angah, this is for you. I told you  on your engagement day that I'll be there on your wedding and yes, I will! I keep my promise.  My Enrich Card is updated. Too bad my GRAD Card no longer can be use ho-ho. In Allah' willing, Smelly will send me to KLIA, but not sure yet. If not, I might just go by myself or perhaps Onichi could send me to KLIA. Agagaga. Whatever it is, I wanna be home like... this instant. If I could, I wanna be home now. 

Tuesday morning

The view of the beautiful clouds from my condo's balcony. Ohh Good morning to all. It's Tuesday. And it's morning. Very hoping it'll be a better day for me. Better than last Tuesday, better than last week. Guys. The universe is funny. Which I myself dont know why. But each and everytime, we try hard to get thru our everyday lives, correct or not? So as for today, am hoping for each of us will have a great Tuesday and a fun week ahead.

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Monday, April 11, 2011


 curi from my @xdrug *follow his tweets, tweeps* :)

At 3 yrs "Mommy, I love you". At 10 yrs "Mom whatever". At 16 "My Mom is so annoying. This is the DAY youre starting to ruin my life!". At 18 "I wanna leave this house". At 25 yrs "Mom, you were right". At 30 yrs "I wanna go to Mom's house". At 50 yrs "I don't wanna lose my Mom". At 70 yrs "I would give up EVERYTHING for my Mom to be here with me". You only have 1 Mom. Appreciate & love your Mom no matter if she is here or not. ♥♥♥

Can never ever live without my Mom.
Mom, you helped me getting thru almost every single curves, corners and bits of my life.
Yes Mom, thank you for everything.
Love you, Mom!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

korang tengok buaya berdiri ke meniarap ?

Merangkak. Boleh?

cmon,ask me. XD

what we gonna do when our friends keep ask you BILA NAK KAHWIN?? padahal umur u all baru 20?? -.- bosan kan??

Super bosan okayy. But, they're our friends, your friends. So, just answer the question truthfully. Dont hide too much. If you think you'll be settling down soon, just say it. If youre not, then speak out la. People. They're living creatures, human, to be specific. We cant stop them. In fact, questions are supposed to be answered. If you think you have a good answer for the questionnaire, it's better to do so. Dont you think? That's my opinion la :) Cheers.

cmon,ask me. XD

Friday, April 08, 2011

keep swimming, keep swimming.

every Sundays' activity. trying super hard to not miss our swimming session at our condo's swimming pool. 2hours each Sundays :)

check this out!

this is so not a spam. gotta print out this cute coupon from GLAM and straightaway to KLCC's La Senza! wahh. probably on Sunday or Monday. wahh. new lingeries incomiiiiing. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Ohh please.

You see. When it comes to kids, crazy things will happened. Crazy things. Yes, I mean it. Like yesterday, one of my student popped a question to me. He was about to listen to the CD right before starting doing the classwork. He smiled and smiled to me and I was like, "....Danial, cmon. Quickly listen to your CD and start with your classwork.." and in a few he replied, "..Teacher, what animal are you today? Because I'm a monkey. Tell me what are you being." I was so stunned, don't know whether I should laugh or get mad but at the same time speechless. but then I said, "My dear Danial Ong, I'm no animal. I'm just a person, a human being and so as you. Am marking your homework now and can you just start with your classwork, finish up reading everything already because you need to go for Math slot in a few.... And you're not a monkey", with a smile. Then he was like, "Awwww, teacher so you're not an animal. That's boring." And at that time I just continue mark my level HII's worksheets, ignoring him but at the same time I gave him  an eye-sign saying "Be quick, am watching you". #bhaha. Kids. They talks a lot, They just want to have the fun all the time, in every single thing they do. Am so not a kid-baby-person, but lately I seemed to can get along with them. Well, I take that as an improvement in me. But still, spoil brats are still in my crossed-out list. *tongue*

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

*tongue* same ke?


Gawsh. I was like super crazy this week. I bought three shoes at once. Dont know how, dont know why. Not just shoes. One luggage, one mini skirt, pink blouse, and Nicole Jeans. And I did bought body butter from Kiehl's. So lovely, light and soft. loving it.

you see. what i've done. new shoes. three shoes in a month. i was like so mental lately that make me to buy this gorgees. arent they such sweethearts? ohh ohh ohh. so cant handle this kind of mental. even zul cant control during time like this. #bhaha. ohh I cat write craps no more. am so sleepy .need to sleep. can i continue tomorrow or tomorrow?

Friday, March 18, 2011


going is a must! can buy special La Senza's macaroons some more. Yeeeps!

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

ever heard about HANA TAJIMA??

Err had seen her tumblr before but dont really know who or what is she actually LOL. Why Fuzzy? Got any interesting stuffs about HANA TAJIMA ke?

cmon,ask me. XD

What's your daily morning routine?

My daily morning routine ehh? Turn on my TV and tune in to MTV Channel right before I go for shower :)

cmon,ask me. XD

Monday, February 28, 2011

After A While.

Yeahh. Last time we all hang out, three of us, was when our Sha got engaged, back in Muar. Even that one I didn't consider that as hang out since we stayed at Sha's house for 2days and 1night. Hurm lemme think. Ohh. The other time was still at the same BK we are as today, BK KLCC during eve of Maal Hijrah. Haaaaa, such a relief to get along, catching up on each other.

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Friday, February 25, 2011

BERRY link

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